We're proud to be partnering with Dolly's Dream for this year's Do It For Dolly Day on
Friday 10th of May.
Do It For Dolly Day aims to empower and educate the community to address and prevent bullying
and cyber bullying.
We all have a part to play in creating a kinder world, free of bullying. So this month, we invite you to join
us in these kindness activities in all our stores.

We're proud to be partnering with Dolly's Dream for this year's Do It For Dolly Day on Friday 10th of May.
Do It For Dolly Day aims to empower and educate the community to address and prevent bullying and cyber bullying. We all have a part to play in creating a kinder world, free of bullying. So this month, we invite you to join us in these kindness activities in all our stores.

How can you get involved
